Jony Ive naming new design company LoveFrom, name inspired by Steve Jobs

Jony Ive has revealed his new independent design practice will be named LoveFrom, a name inspired by Steve Jobs.

Within an interview discussing his departure from Apple, Ive told The Financial Times that the naming of his new venture was brought to life following an employee meeting a number of years ago lead by Steve Jobs: “There was an employee meeting a number of years ago and Steve was talking. He [said] that one of the fundamental motivations was that when you make something with love and with care, even though you probably will never meet… the people that you’re making it for, and you’ll never shake their hand, by making something with care, you are expressing your gratitude to humanity, to the species.”

Domain records for show an update earlier this week, likely when ownership of the URL was transferred across to Jony and his new team. Very little is known about LoveFrom, though as Jony moves toward his departure from Apple later this year, more details will likely emerge about the practice.

LoveFrom will be based in California “for now,” with the company expected to focus, initially, on wearable technology and healthcare.

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